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Saturday, Aug. 20, 2005 10:44 pm

WACO, Texas (AP) -- It's no yellow jersey, but President Bush on Saturday presented Lance Armstrong with another shirt to show off his biking experiences -- a red, white and blue T-shirt emblazoned "Tour de Crawford."

The leader of the free world and the world's biking master rode for 17 miles on Bush's ranch for about two hours at midmorning. Bush showed Armstrong the sites of the ranch that he calls "a little slice of heaven," including a stop at a waterfall midway through the ride.

They were accompanied by a small group of staff and Secret Service agents and a film crew from the Discovery Channel, Armstrong's Tour de France sponsor, which had exclusive media access for the ride. Footage was shot for a program on Armstrong to air this week.

...Dear Soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan,

While you brave the terrors of war, the man who sent you there is taking yet ANOTHER vacation, enjoying the splendors of his celebrity and privileged upbringing. We, the true patriots of this beloved Republic, apologize for his unacceptable behavior, for his ignorance, his apathy, his war profiteering, his laziness, & for sending you to fight with no real clear plan in mind. George Bush is a pop star, not a president. Instead of showing real concern for the people he was "elected" to protect, instead of giving you the weapons & armor you need, instead of finding Osama bin Laden, instead of lowering gas prices, instead of working to get you home safely, instead of attending funerals for the fallen, he takes a vacation from it all & with cameras in tow, he acts like he is on a reality show. We apologize for his arrogance, but afterall, he has never fought in a war, he knows nothing about being a soldier, about risking it all. He has never wanted for anything. When it was his time to serve, he used his family's influence to hide from combat. He's a coward. And for all those that scream support for this "quagmire", but haven't enlisted allowing the Rich, the Powerful, & the Politicians, to keep sending the Poor to fight their wars, well, we're sorry for that too.

George Bush is a pop star. You are all heros. The line will never be blurred between the two as long as true patriots speak out. Its the least we can do. And I will continue to exercise this right, my duty, to not go silently.

Safe journey.

One Angry American


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rare live ritual

"I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out
in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor,
every atom of me in magnificent glow,
than a sleepy and permanent planet.

The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time."
-- Jack London